Tag Archives: PTSD

June 18 VCS in the News: Congress and VCS Demand a Stop to Experimental Drug Testing on Veterans with PTSD

“VA should have done a better job protecting the human rights of our veterans,” said Paul Sullivan of VCS. June 18, 2008 – The Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee is calling for an immediate suspension of government tests … Continue reading

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June 15, VCS in the News: Dead Marine’s Family Says Iraq War Veteran with PTSD Did Not Get Proper Care

Chad Oligschlaeger was struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder when he was found in barracks, parents say.  “There’s more help available,” said Paul Sullivan, the executive director of the advocacy group Veterans for Common Sense. “But it’s got to get a … Continue reading

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VA Officials Grilled on PTSD E-Mail

June 10, 2008 – A Senate hearing called to determine if the Veterans Affairs Department is systemically denying veterans’ post-traumatic stress disorder claims in favor of less-costly diagnoses devolved into a circus of denials, backtracking, evasive answers and even an … Continue reading

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June 9, VCS Trial in the News: Judge May Reopen Case Against VA After PTSD Email Emerges

“Once again VA’s political appointees were taken to the woodshed by an alert Congress for repeatedly failing our veterans,”   Veterans for Common Sense “remains disappointed that the VA leaders selected by President Bush lied again to Congress when they said … Continue reading

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Viet-Era Vets Support Iraq War PTSD Claims

June 6, 2008 – After the Vietnam War it took some veterans decades to get their PTSD acknowledged and treated.Medication, therapy and even religion can all help, but it’s a lifetime condition. The memories last a lifetime. Many Vietnam-era veterans … Continue reading

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June 6, VCS in the News: Judge Orders VA into Court to Explain VA E-Mail Discouraging PTSD Diagnoses

Judge to consider newly-surfaced e-mail in vet care trial June 5, 2008, San Francisco, CA — A federal judge considering a lawsuit that alleges inadequate veterans medical care ordered government lawyers on Thursday to explain an e-mail by a U.S. … Continue reading

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‘Who Should Answer the PTSD Hotline at 3AM?’

May 23, 2008, Washington, DC – The Military Order of the Purple Heart Service Foundation proposes the immediate implementation of a national PTSD Hotline, staffed 24/7 by disabled American Veteran graduates of the Purple Heart Foundation’s Veteran Business Training Center. … Continue reading

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VA Denies Money a Factor in PTSD Diagnoses

June 3, 2008, Washington, DC – A Veterans Affairs psychologist denies that she was trying to save money when she suggested that counselors make fewer diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorder in injured soldiers. Norma Perez, who helps coordinate a post-traumatic … Continue reading

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Nearby Firing Ranges Complicate Soldiers’ Recovery from PTSD

June 3, 2008, Fort Benning, GA – Army Sgt. Jonathan Strickland sits in his room at noon with the blinds drawn, seeking the sleep that has eluded him since he was knocked out by the blast of a Baghdad car … Continue reading

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Ex-Marine and Family Detail Struggles of Living with PTSD

June 3, 2008 – When Marine Marty Smith, 27, was medically discharged in 2006, military officials said it was because of damage to his hearing. But after returning home, his hearing wasn’t the only dramatic change his wife, Heather Smith, … Continue reading

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