Tag Archives: terrorism

National Guard Endures from One Gulf to Another

NATIONAL GUARD ENDURES FROM ONE GULF TO ANOTHER By Diane M. Grassi         September 15, 2005 There is evidence that there will be many heroic tales to be told and to be heard as the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and parts of … Continue reading

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They fought for their country in Iraq. Now veterans are struggling to find a decent job in the United States.

They fought for their country in Iraq. Now veterans are struggling to find a decent job in the United States. The war at home Sunday, September 04, 2005 Jaquaie McAtee of East Liberty, a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, walks … Continue reading

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Imperial Grunts

America is waging a counterinsurgency campaign not just in Iraq but against Islamic terror groups throughout the world. Counterinsurgency falls into two categories: unconventional war (UW in Special Operations lingo) and direct action (DA). Unconventional war, though it sounds sinister, … Continue reading

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THE CONFLICT IN IRAQ: War Critics Have Backing, but Not Much of a Following

THE CONFLICT IN IRAQ: War Critics Have Backing, but Not Much of a FollowingBy Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer, Sunday, August 28, 2005 WASHINGTON — After a summer of mounting discontent over the war in Iraq, President Bush … Continue reading

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Chinese Detainees Are Men Without a Country

In late 2003, the Pentagon quietly decided that 15 Chinese Muslims detained at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, could be released. Five were people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, some of them picked … Continue reading

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Militias on the Rise Across Iraq

Shiite and Kurdish militias, often operating as part of Iraqi government security forces, have carried out a wave of abductions, assassinations and other acts of intimidation, consolidating their control over territory across northern and southern Iraq and deepening the country’s … Continue reading

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The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan

The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan by Frank Rich, New York Times, Sunday, August 21, 2005 Cindy Sheehan couldn’t have picked a more apt date to begin the vigil that ambushed a president: Aug. 6 was the fourth anniversary of … Continue reading

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New York Times Editorial Board Denounces ‘Slick’ Pentagon Propaganda

Walking the Wrong Way New York Times Editorial Board, Sunday, August 21, 2005 The Bush administration has announced plans for a Freedom Walk on Sept. 11, which will start at the Pentagon and end at the National Mall, and include … Continue reading

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Bad Iraq War News Worries Some in G.O.P. on ’06 Vote

Bad Iraq War News Worries Some in G.O.P. on ’06 VoteBy ADAM NAGOURNEY and DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK, New York Times, Thursday, August 18, 2005 WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 – A stream of bad news out of Iraq – echoed at home by … Continue reading

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Gaza: Tomorrow’s Iraq

It is the solemn obligation of a columnist to connect the dots. So let’s call one dot Iraq and another the Gaza Strip, and note that while they are far different in history and circumstance, they are both places where … Continue reading

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