Tag Archives: torture

Editorial Column: Senator McCain Sells Out Veterans

May 15, 2008 – The way John McCain tells it, the injuries he suffered at the hands of his captors in Vietnam would have ended his career as a Navy pilot were it not for the help of physical therapist … Continue reading

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Aug 18: Editorial Column: Out Damned Blot – An Open Letter to Colin Powell

Ray McGovern writes letter to Colin Powell August 15, 2008 Dear Colin, You have said you regret the “blot” on your record caused by your parroting spurious intelligence at the U.N. to justify war on Iraq.  On the chance you … Continue reading

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McCain’s Attacks on Rival Fall Flat with Vets Group

August 10, 2008 – Sen. John McCain, speaking to disabled veterans Saturday in Las Vegas, attacked his Democratic opponent, Sen. Barack Obama, for his foreign policy record, while also proposing a program that would allow veterans to acquire health care … Continue reading

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Why Soldiers Rape

August 13, 2008 – An alarming number of women soldiers are being sexually abused by their comrades-in-arms, both at war and at home. This fact has received a fair amount of attention lately from researchers and the press — and … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: The 10 Idiocies of the General Election

August 4, 2008 – The Surge: Working Overtime “The surge is working.” It’s an incessant mantra, forever on the lips of politicians and “journalists” these days. It’s as if they can simply will it into truth. Yes, there has been … Continue reading

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Would Obama Prosecute the Bush Administration for Torture?

August 4, 2008, Washington, DC – On the campaign trail in April, Barack Obama was asked whether, if elected, he would prosecute Bush administration officials for establishing torture as American policy. The candidate demurred. “If crimes have been committed, they … Continue reading

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Rights Group Wants US Officials Probed for Ordering Torture

July 25, 2008, Washington, DC – A Nobel-prize-winning rights group said US officials committed war crimes by ordering what the group says was torture of detainees, and called for them to be probed and prosecuted. “There must be a complete … Continue reading

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Troop Shortage Fallout: The Disastrous Consequences of Recruiting Unfit Soldiers

Mom says enlisting in army started son’s downfall  July 20, 2008, Tampa, FL – When the United States was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, 14-year-old Phillip Michael Pearson told his mother he wanted to join the military as soon as … Continue reading

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News Analysis: Exposing President Bush’s Historic Consolidation and Abuse of Power

July 23, 2008 – The last several years have brought a parade of dark revelations about the George W. Bush administration, from the manipulation of intelligence to torture to extrajudicial spying inside the United States. But there are growing indications … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: ‘Justifying’ Torture, Two Big Lies

July 19, 2008 – One can assume that former Attorney General John Ashcroft didn’t mean it to be funny, but his testimony on Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee might strike one as hilarious, were it not for the issue … Continue reading

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