Tag Archives: torture

Vice President Cheney Wants Gitmo Open, Admits Authorizing Detainee’s Torture – ‘I Supported It’

Outgoing VP says Guantanamo Prison should stay open until end of terror war, but has no idea when that might be.  December 15, 2008 – Monday, outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney made a startling statement on a nation-wide, televised broadcast. … Continue reading

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Dec 16 Weekly Update: Vice President Cheney Admits Authorizing Torture, VCS Works to Restore Our Civil Liberties

December 16, 2008 –  Spread the Word: Close Guantanamo Bay, End Torture, and End Domestic Spying This week’s update contains three important items. First, our VCS membership keeps growing. Second, we want you to let President-Elect Barack Obama know we … Continue reading

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Obama’s Human Rights Opportunity

December 10, 2008 – The advancement of human rights around the world was a cornerstone of foreign policy and U.S. leadership for decades, until the attacks on our country on Sept. 11, 2001. Since then, while Americans continue to espouse … Continue reading

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U.S. Joins Effort to Bar Claims on Iraqi Coffers

December 10, 2008 –  George Charchalis says he has never really recovered from the ordeal he endured after Saddam Hussein’s Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990. He hid for more than a month in Kuwait City but was ultimately arrested, … Continue reading

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Dec 9, VCS Update: Share Your Vision of Change with President-Elect Obama

Our New VA Secretary, Shaping Our Veterans’ Future, and VCS on Counterspin. Veterans for Common Sense is pleased that President-elect Barack Obama chose General Shinseki as VA Secretary.  VCS told reporters that in February 2003, General Eric Shinseki honestly and correctly … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Attorney General Mukasey Uses Infamous ‘Nixon Defense’ to Justify Torture and Domestic Spying

December 2, 2008 – When it comes to protecting George W. Bush and his administration, Attorney General Michael Mukasey is stretching legal arguments as far as his predecessor Alberto Gonzales ever did – now even invoking the “Nixon Defense” for … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Bush’s Interview With Charlie Gibson Marks the Start of His Effort to Revise History

December 3, 2008 – The inevitable campaign to revise the history of the George W. Bush presidency has apparently begun. In an interview with ABC’s Charlie Gibson broadcast on Monday, the soon-but-not-soon-enough-to-be ex-president made several eye-roll-inducing statements that feel like … Continue reading

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Dec 2: VCS Asks Tough Questions for Defense Secretary Gates

December 2, 2008 -This week’s update focuses on Gulf War illnesses and the prospect of Robert Gates continuing as Defense Secretary under soon-to-be President Barack Obama. Veterans for Common Sense wants to know if there will be substantive changes in … Continue reading

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Nov 23, Special Thanksgiving Message: Jeffrey Lucey and the Urgent Need for Mental Healthcare for All Our Veterans

November 23, 2008 – This is the story of our son, Jeffrey Michael Lucey. This will be a brief account of what happened to him – especially after his return from the Iraq War. There is so much about him … Continue reading

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Guantánamo Judge Throws Out More Evidence Obtained Through Torture In Jawad Case

November 20, 2008, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – Less than a month after throwing out an alleged confession obtained through torture, a judge late Wednesday rejected more evidence gathered through coercive interrogations in the military commission case against Afghan national Mohammed … Continue reading

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