Tag Archives: Veterans Articles & News

Sikh temple shooter was Army cast off, white supremacist

Hate has no place in America. That goes double for the US Military. Our diversity is what makes us strong and has made us the greatest country on Earth. Each group has something to offer. Just look at our Olympic … Continue reading

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Army to stop using forensic psychiatrists to evaluate soldiers diagnosed with PTSD

  From The Seattle Time By Hal Brenton The Army no longer will use forensic psychiatrists to evaluate soldiers diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and under consideration for medical retirement, a change resulting from an investigation of a screening team … Continue reading

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Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Urged Into Mental Health Treatment By Telephone Motivational Interviewing

From Medical News Today A brief therapeutic intervention called motivational interviewing, administered over the telephone, was significantly more effective than a simple “check-in” call in getting Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans with mental health diagnoses to begin treatment for their conditions, in … Continue reading

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POTUS Signs Veterans Skills to Jobs Act into Law

Great news for veterans. Thanks Congressman Walz, former CSM, and USARNG Ret. ——– From MinnPost.com By Devin Henry WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama signed U.S. Rep. Tim Walz’s Veterans Skills to Jobs Act into law on Monday. The House and … Continue reading

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Senate Committee Report on For-Profit Colleges Condemns Costs and Practices

From the New York Times By Tamar Lewin   Wrapping up a two-year investigation of for-profit colleges, SenatorTom Harkin will issue a final report on Monday — a voluminous, hard-hitting indictment of almost every aspect of the industry, filled with troubling statistics … Continue reading

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Survey: Veterans valued but often misunderstood

From the Spokesman-Review by Chelsea Bannach While Americans generally value and respect veterans, they also misunderstand them in some respects, a recently released survey found. The nearly 2.4 million post-9/11 veterans are viewed as national assets who are lauded by the … Continue reading

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Jim Webb: Delays causing hardships for veteran-owned businesses

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, called on Veteran Affairs (VA) Secretary Eric Shinseki to take further steps to address ongoing delays and problems with the VA verification program for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses. … Continue reading

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Lawsuit alleges paperwork mistake has cost veterans millions

From Stars and Stripes by Leo Shane III WASHINGTON — Some combat injured sailors and Marines may have been cheated out of millions in veterans disability payments because of paperwork mistakes made by the services, according to a class-action complaint brought … Continue reading

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President Obama announces overhaul for job help program

By Rick Maze – Staff writer Posted : Tuesday Jul 24, 2012 13:20:21 EDT The 22-year-old Transition Assistance Program is about to take a leap into the 21st century, with more help for separating service members to meet their personal post-military goals. … Continue reading

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For too many veterans, the ultimate defeat

(Reuters) – by Phil Stewart On a warm summer afternoon in Champion, Ohio, Michael Ecker, a 25-year-old Iraq war veteran, called out to his father from a leafy spot in their backyard. Then, as the two stood steps apart, Michael … Continue reading

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