Yearly Archives: 2006

Bush’s Iran Options Limited by Iraq, Perils of War

Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) — “Grave threat” is how U.S. President George W. Bush described Iraq three years ago. Today he uses that same phrase — to characterize Iran. The resemblance between these two standoffs ends with the rhetoric, analysts say. … Continue reading

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US Torture Undermines Global Rights Drive: Report

A human rights group said on Wednesday that torture and other abuses committed by the United States in its war on terrorism have damaged American credibility and hurt the global human rights cause. In a survey of world conditions, U.S.-based … Continue reading

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The west has picked a fight with Iran that it cannot win

Never pick a fight you know you cannot win. Or so I was told. Pick an argument if you must, but not a fight. Nothing I have read or heard in recent weeks suggests that fighting Iran over its nuclear … Continue reading

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Sharon wanted West Bank plan

PRIME Minister Ariel Sharon was prepared to consider withdrawing from as much as 92 per cent of the West Bank, according to a leading Israeli journalist. In an article published this week in The New Yorker magazine, Ari Shavit writes … Continue reading

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No need to panic over Iranian nukes

When the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed last Tuesday that Iran had broken the seals on its nuclear research facility at Natanz, many people reacted as if the very next step was the testing of an Iranian nuclear weapon. In … Continue reading

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Spy Agency Data After Sept. 11 Led F.B.I. to Dead Ends

In the anxious months after the Sept. 11 attacks, the National Security Agency began sending a steady stream of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and names to the F.B.I. in search of terrorists. The stream soon became a flood, requiring hundreds … Continue reading

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When is a War Considered Just?

When I turned 17 years old there was a war going on. Like many young men of that era, I didn’t wait to be drafted, I volunteered. The year was 1951 and the war was called a “Police Action,” but … Continue reading

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Opinion: Americans Should Escape Their Morass of Fear

On Dec. 7, Rigoberto Alpizar died at the hands of federal sky marshals on a jetway in Miami. Remember? He had behaved oddly while exiting the airplane. He may have uttered the unutterable, saying he had a bomb. He paid … Continue reading

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‘Bioshield II’ – Legislation Threatens our Freedom

Since the attacks of September 11th, 2001, the citizens of the United States have been challenged by elevated alerts predicting bioterrorism. The facts, however, do not support this paranoia. In the only biological attack in our nation’s history our country … Continue reading

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How One Man—Thomas Paine—Launched a Revolution

In May 1775 the Reverend Jonathan Boucher, rowing across the Potomac, met George Washington rowing in the other direction on his way to the Continental Congress. The two conversed briefly on the fate of the colonies, and Boucher asked Washington … Continue reading

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