Yearly Archives: 2007

More Iraq War Veterans Bring Disabling Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Home

Problems seen in VA, military handling of disorder.  When he closes his eyes, Edmond Rivera can smell the burning flesh of his fellow soldier. He can see the man — his friend — clawing on the driver’s-side window of his … Continue reading

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As Allies Turn Foe in Iraq War, Disillusion Rises in Among U.S. Soldiers

BAGHDAD, IRAQ — Staff Sgt. David Safstrom does not regret his previous tours in Iraq, not even a difficult second stint when two comrades were killed while trying to capture insurgents. “In Mosul, in 2003, it felt like we were … Continue reading

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VA Creates Red Tape to Deny Care to Iraq War Veterans

Not Supporting Our Troops: VA essentially creating red tape to deny care to veterans Sean Johnson broke three vertebrae in his back when he fell off a truck in Tikrit, Iraq. He ended up having surgery on his own after the … Continue reading

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President Bush Signs $1.8 Billion in New Emergency Spending for VA in Iraq War Funding Bill

To View the Entire Report, please go to this link:$1.8BillionIraqWarSummary5-25-07.pdf For immediate release:  Thursday, May 24, 2007 Summary of the Fiscal 2007 Supplemental Funding Legislation The House and Senate are poised to approve legislation providing $119.995 billion primarily for … Continue reading

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Memorial Day Message: Remember the dead, fight for the living

On Memorial Day this Monday, Americans will remember the men and women who gave their lives in defence of the nation, as well as what that nation stands for and promises to become. Some among us, however, honour those sacrifices … Continue reading

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Veterans’ Benefits Claims Going Nowhere

May 22, 2007 – A House subcommittee heard pleas Tuesday to get veterans off the “hamster wheel” of justice that can leave their benefits claims cycling through an unending process until they die. The appeals process can have claims bounced … Continue reading

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One Bomb, 25 Operations, and 363 Days to Return to TV – Kimberly Dozier and the Iraq War

May 24, 2007 – When Kimberly Dozier, a CBS News correspondent, was nearly killed last Memorial Day by a roadside bomb in Baghdad that took the lives of her crew, she became the story instead of reporting it. Now, more … Continue reading

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Editorial Column – Our Entire Government Has Failed Us on Iraq War

May 24, 2007 – A Special Comment about the Democrats’ deal with President Bush to continue financing this unspeakable war in Iraq—and to do so on his terms: This is, in fact, a comment about… betrayal. Few men or women … Continue reading

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Study: Sarin Linked to Gulf War Illnesses

Friday May 25, 2007 — As benefits administrators, officials and politicians argue the worthiness of studies on Gulf War syndrome, researchers say they have no doubts that they’ve found the root of the problem. Sarin gas. And they have advice for as … Continue reading

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Iraq Attacks Kill 9 U.S. Troops

May 23, 2007 – Roadside bombings and gunbattles across Iraq killed nine U.S. servicemen, and U.S. authorities were examining a body found in a river south of Baghdad that Iraqi police believe is one of three U.S. soldiers seized in … Continue reading

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