Yearly Archives: 2009

NSA Whistleblower: Bush’s Illegal No-Warrant Wiretaps Also Collected Credit Card Records of Innocent U.S. Citizens

January 23, 2009 – NSA whistleblower Russell Tice was back on Keith Olbermann’s MSNBC program Thursday evening to expand on his Wednesday revelations that the National Security Agency spied on individual U.S. journalists, entire U.S. news agencies as well as … Continue reading

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AFGE Union Congratulates New VA Secretary Shinseki

January 23, 2009 – Shortly after President Barack Obama took the oath of office, Tuesday, the Senate approved the nomination of retired four-star Army general and 34th Chief of Staff of the Army General Eric K. Shinseki as the new … Continue reading

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VCS Report for President-Elect Obama: Our VCS Vision for Vibrant VA in 2009

November 5, 2008  The Honorable Barack ObamaPresident-Elect  Dear President-Elect Obama:  Congratulations on your election.  As our next President of the United States of America, you face a serious challenge in fixing a badly broken Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and … Continue reading

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Jan 23, VCS in the News: Senator Cornyn Calls for Hearings on Army Recruiter Suicides

Veterans’ rights activist Paul Sullivan called on the Army to release a copy of its report to the public and echoed Cornyn’s request for hearings. “He should invite families of soldiers who completed suicide as well as suicide experts so … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: New Day at the VA

January 22, 2009 – Two years ago then-President George W. Bush ordered the surge, an emergency buildup of troops in Iraq. Conservative analysts were quick to hail the order as a bold and brilliant move. John McCain, in his presidential … Continue reading

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Obama Tackles Afghanistan and Mideast Conflict

January 23, 2009 – Taking on two of his toughest foreign policy challenges, President Barack Obama pledged to find a new course in Afghanistan and to help Israel achieve a broad peace with the Arab world. On his second full … Continue reading

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Defense Department Announces Expedited Disability Evaluation System Process for Combat Wounded

January 23, 2009 – The Department of Defense announced today, in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), a process designed to expedite a service member seriously injured in combat from military to veteran status, by waiving the standard … Continue reading

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Army’s Drug Abuse Policy Under Fire

January 22, 2009 – Fort Leonard Wood — Spec. Jeremiah Thomson didn’t know what was worse: excruciating back pain from a combat explosion in Baghdad or the prescription drug addiction he developed once home, for which, he had to be … Continue reading

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Taliban Fills NATO’s Big Gaps in Afghan South

January 21, 2009, Tsapowzai, Afghanistan – The Taliban are everywhere the soldiers are not, the saying goes in the southern part of the country. And that is a lot of places. For starters, there is the 550 miles of border … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Awards for the Year that Was

January 21, 2009 – Who’s On First Award? to U.S. intelligence for its analysis of al-Qaeda. According to CIA Director Michael Hayden, the organization is growing stronger and preparing to launch attacks in Africa, Europe and the Arabian Peninsula. He … Continue reading

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