Yearly Archives: 2009

Famed Prosecuter Vows President Bush Will be Brought to Justice for War Crimes

January 2009 – The former Los Angeles County district attorney who put Charles Manson and his followers behind bars for life is not finished with outgoing President George W. Bush. Indeed—rough though the road may be—Vincent Bugliosi sees the upcoming … Continue reading

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Playing Tetris: Prescription for Traumatic Memories?

January 7, 2009 – Aficionados of the computer-based game Tetris describe the manipulation of its geometric shapes as mind-bending, time-expending and utterly absorbing. But an innoculation against the mental anguish of war memories? Who’d have guessed it? A study published … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Beyond the Yellow Ribbon – Ending Homelessness for Our Veterans

January 7, 2009 – One of the most tragic things about America’s homelessness population is the prevalence of veterans. Service men and women make up a quarter of our nation’s homeless. This is unacceptable. Frustrating. Sickening. We are a country … Continue reading

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President-Elect Obama Picks Step Brother of Iraq War Veteran Suicide to Ride Train to Inauguration

January 8, 2009 – Matt Kuntz, who spearheaded the fight to combat post-traumatic stress disorder in Montana, has been invited to travel with President-elect Barack Obama on his Whistle Stop Tour by train to Washington, D.C., for the presidential inauguration. … Continue reading

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Injured Vets Wait for DoD Disability Appeal Process

January 7, 2009, Wilmington, NC – Wounded troops are still waiting to file new appeals of disability ratings that determine what kind of medical care and benefits they get after federal officials missed their goal for beginning the process. The … Continue reading

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Jan 7: Vietnam Veterans of America Sues Military and CIA Over Secret Testing of Soldiers

January 7, 2009 – Law Firm Morrison & Foerster Files Suit Against CIA, DoD, and U.S. Army on Behalf of Troops Exposed to Testing of Chemical and Biological Weapons at Edgewood Arsenal and Other Top Secret Sites PRESS CONFERENCE: Wednesday, January … Continue reading

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Defense Secretary Gates Sees Wars Costing $136 Billion More in 2009

January 7, 2009 – Military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan would cost almost $136 billion for the 2009 budget year that began Oct. 1 if they continue at their current pace, Defense Secretary Robert Gates says. He told top lawmakers … Continue reading

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Ruling Expected on Whether U.S. War Resister and Mother of 3 to be Deported

January 7, 2009, Toronto, Canada – A U.S. war resister living in Canada with her husband and three children is expected to find out today if she’ll be subject to a deportation order. Kim Rivera served in Iraq with the … Continue reading

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General Shinseki, Set to Lead VA, Seen as Shaped on Island of Kauai in Hawaii

January 7, 2009, LiHu’e, Kaua’i – One important thing that has been said about Barack Obama also applies to Eric Shinseki, his nominee to head the Veterans Administration, says a relative of the retired general. “Michelle Obama said to understand … Continue reading

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Shinseki Pledges to Fix Gaps in Veterans’ Care

January 6, 2009 – Retired Gen. Eric K. Shinseki pledged to move quickly to fix gaps in health care if confirmed as Veterans Affairs secretary, saying he will reopen benefits to hundreds of thousands of middle-income veterans denied during the … Continue reading

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