Tag Archives: Civil Liberties Articles & News

Profile of Seymour Hersh: An American Journalism Hero

He exposed the My Lai massacre, revealed Nixon’s secret bombing of Cambodia and has hounded Bush and Cheney over the abuse of prisoners in Abu Ghraib… No wonder the Republicans describe Seymour Hersh as ‘the closest thing American journalism has … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: The Republicans’ Dirty Secret…Torture

October 28, 2008 – So what will be left of the Republican Party after next week’s US election? The answer lies in the sands of Florida, where the sunshine-state Republicans have nominated an unrepentant torturer as their candidate for Congress. … Continue reading

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Actions for Restoring America: How to Begin Reparing the Damage to Freedom in America After Bush

October 28, 2008 – The next president will become chief executive of a nation that has been greatly weakened – in particular, our freedoms, our values, and our international reputation have been greatly undermined by the policies of the past … Continue reading

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Oct 27 VCS Update: Post-Election Predictions – Will President Bush Pardon Himself?

VCS Makes Three Tough Predictions for November 5 What do you think might happen after the elections, no matter who is elected President? VCS offers three sobering predictions. Prediction Number One. One Million New Iraq and Afghanistan War Veteran Patients … Continue reading

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Oct 23, Torture Update: Confessions of a Former Guantanamo Bay Prison Camp Prosecutor

The inside story of a military lawyer who discovered stunning injustice at the heart of the Bush administration’s military commissions. October 23, 2008 – When Army Lt. Col. Darrell Vandeveld began his work in May 2007 as a prosecutor at … Continue reading

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The Torture Time Bomb

October 18, 2008 – As the US presidential election reaches a climax against the background of the financial crisis, another silent, dark, time bomb of an issue hangs over the two candidates: torture. For now, there seems to be a … Continue reading

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Once-Secret Memos Document How White House Endorsed CIA Waterboarding and Torture

October 15, 2008 – The White House issued two secret memos endorsing the CIA’s use of waterboarding and other forms of torture on detainees, according to a news report published today in the Washington Post. The memos, which show that … Continue reading

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Oct 15, Torture News: White House Wrote Secret Memos Endorsing CIA Torture Tactics

Waterboarding Got White House Nod October 15, 2008 – The Bush administration issued a pair of secret memos to the CIA in 2003 and 2004 that explicitly endorsed the agency’s use of interrogation techniques such as waterboarding against al-Qaeda suspects … Continue reading

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Guantanamo Prosecutor Who Quit Had ‘Grave Misgivings’ About Fairness

October 12, 2008 – Darrel J. Vandeveld was in despair. The hard-nosed lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, a self-described conformist praised by his superiors for his bravery in Iraq, had lost faith in the Guantanamo Bay war crimes tribunals … Continue reading

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Oct 9, Civil Liberties News: Recently Releaed Government Documents Show President Bush Ordered Illegal Torture Here in America Against U.S. Citizens

October 8, 2008 – According to newly released military documents, the Navy applied lawless Guantánamo protocols in detention facilities on American soil. The documents, which include regular emails between brig officers and others in the chain of command, uncover new … Continue reading

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