Tag Archives: mental health

Time for a Federal Veterans Court

Read for an in-depth look at recent incident with suicidal veteran. VCS quoted. Posted: 02/28/2012 10:45 am On February 12, the Roanoke Times reported the arrest of Sean Duvall for carrying a firearm — a crude gun he had made … Continue reading

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Veteran Who Called Suicide Line Offered Counseling to Avoid Charges

February 27, 2012 (Washington Post) – Sean Duvall, the Navy veteran charged with fabricating a homemade gun after calling a suicide hotline last year, would avoid prosecution if he completes court-mandated counseling under an agreement reached in federal court Monday. … Continue reading

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Veterans Fight for Jobs They Left Behind

Battles and setbacks follow return to civilian posts, despite federal law. February 27, 2012 (Star Tribune) –  Michael Schutz came back to Truman, Minn., after being deployed to Kuwait with the Navy and expected to strap on his gun belt, … Continue reading

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Efforts lag to improve care for National Guard

From the Washington Post By Lauren Everitt, Andrew Theen and Gulnaz Saiyed, Published: February 14 Despite years of efforts to improve health care and support networks for the National Guard and military reserves, these service members report higher rates of mental health … Continue reading

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New VA Resources to Prevent Suicide

VA Introduces Text Messaging to Expand Efforts to Prevent Suicide Veterans Crisis Line Provides Confidential Help to Veterans and Families WASHINGTON (Feb. 15, 2012) – The Department of Veterans Affairs is expanding its efforts to prevent suicide through several new … Continue reading

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VA Budget Deals With Homelessness and Jobs

February 13, 2012 (Military.com) – The Department of Veterans Affairs sent Congress a proposed budget of $140 billion for fiscal 2013 on Monday, which includes a 33 percent increase in funding to tackle homelessness and a $1 billion request for … Continue reading

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Veterans Affairs Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Seeks Ten Percent Increase to Cope with New Veterans’ Demands

WASHINGTON – With more than 1 million active-duty personnel scheduled to join the ranks of America’s 22 million Veterans during the next five years, the President has proposed a $140.3 billion budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs for the … Continue reading

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Directive-Type Memorandum – Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)

December 19, 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 11-015 – Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)References: See Attachment 1 Purpose. This DTM: • In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02 (Reference (a)), establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, … Continue reading

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Preventing Military Misconduct Stress Behaviors

January 27, 2012 (Huffington Post) – January 2012 ushered in a new year, but an old, recurring problem for war veterans. According to a January 2012, CareerCast.com article, “The 10 Most Stressful Jobs in 2012,” the No. 1 stressful vocation … Continue reading

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Yet another confirmation that 18 veterans a day commit suicide. Our lawsuit is mentioned.

The Truth-O-Meter Says: “Before this day is out, 18 more veterans will have taken their own lives.  That is the daily average, it is intolerable, and it has to stop.” Rush Holt on Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 in a press release … Continue reading

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