Tag Archives: mental health

Jan 29, VCS FOIA Campaign News: Iraq, Afghanistan VA Patients Exceed 400,000

January 29, 2009 – As the number of veterans seeking health care continues to rise, the VA is straining to meet demands. Amid talk of a drawdown of troops in Iraq, new statistics from the Department of Defense (DoD) and … Continue reading

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Jan 30, VCS in Contra Costa Times: Suicides in Army at Record High

January 30, 2009 – A record number of active-duty soldiers killed themselves last year, top Army leaders reported Thursday, acknowledging that they are losing a battle to reverse a years-long rise in suicides, many of them by soldiers deployed to … Continue reading

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Senator Wants Substance-Abuse Program Review

January 30, 2009 – A Missouri lawmaker wants service members who seek help for substance abuse problems to be shielded from disciplinary action. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is pushing for a review … Continue reading

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Military Investigates West Point Suicides

January 30, 2009 – Two West Point cadets have committed suicide since December and two others attempted suicide in the past two weeks, prompting the military academy’s leaders to summon an Army surgeon general’s suicide team to the campus today … Continue reading

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The Financial Crisis is Driving Hordes of Americans to Suicide

January 29, 2009 – The body count is still rising. For months on end, marked by bankruptcies, foreclosures, evictions, and layoffs, the economic meltdown has taken a heavy toll on Americans. In response, a range of extreme acts including suicide, … Continue reading

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Jan. 28, VCS in the News: Purple Hearts – A Cold-Blooded Decision

January 28, 2009 – Behind the recent Pentagon decision to deny Purple Heart medals to soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a cold-blooded calculation: It saves money. The official rationale for refusing to honor what is widely … Continue reading

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Suicides Continue Alarming Rise in MIlitary

January 28, 2009 – Suicide rates among active-duty U.S. military personnel are continuing to rise even as the Defense Department dedicates more resources to identifying troubled service members and getting them the help they need, NBC News has learned. At … Continue reading

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Jan 29: Alternet Interviews VCS About National Security, Civil Liberties, and Veterans

January 29, 2009 – Paul Sullivan is a veteran of the 1991 Gulf War, serving in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq as a Cavalry Scout with the Army’s 1st Armored Division. As executive director of the National Gulf War Resource … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Veterans Healthcare System Needs Triage

January 15, 2009, San Francisco, California (IPS) – Eighteen U.S. veterans kill themselves every day. More veterans are committing suicide than are dying in combat overseas. One in every three homeless men in the United States has put on a uniform … Continue reading

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Anti-Stigma News: Army May End Counseling Notifications for Soldiers Seeking Mental Healthcare

January 11, 2009 – Army leaders are proposing to end a longtime policy that requires a commanding officer be notified when a soldier voluntarily seeks counseling in hopes of encouraging more GIs to seek aid, according to Army Secretary Pete … Continue reading

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