Tag Archives: mental health

Veterans’ mental health treatment not as timely as contended

By Gregg Zoroya, USA TODAY An internal investigation at the Department of Veterans Affairs released Monday says tens of thousands of veterans waited far longer last year to receive mental health treatment than what the VA contends.   An inspector general found … Continue reading

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A Lagging Indicator

Time Magazine credits VCS-VUFT Lawsuit with decision to increase mental health staff.   —–   By MARK THOMPSON From Time’s Battleland Blog Even as the pace of war, and the number of Americans waging it, is falling, their need for mental-health … Continue reading

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Veterans Department to Increase Mental Health Staffing

 Lawsuit mentioned ———– By JAMES DAO Published: April 19, 2012 The Department of Veterans Affairs will announce on Thursday that it plans to hire about 1,600 additional psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other mental health clinicians in an effort to … Continue reading

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Paul Sullivan Testifies: From the Inside Out: A Look at Claims Representatives’ Role in the Disability Claims Process

  From the Inside Out: A Look at Claims Representatives’ Role in the Disability Claims Process House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs | 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC | Apr 18, 2012 10:00am Witness Testimony of Mr. Paul Sullivan, Managing … Continue reading

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Vet heard voices, sought help — and was sent home

VCS Executive Director quoted and our lawsuit is discussed. —— Article by: MARK BRUNSWICK , Star Tribune Updated: April 16, 2012 – 11:45 AM As 1 in 3 Iraq vets seek mental health care, VA faces criticism over delays and … Continue reading

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A Veteran’s Death, the Nation’s Shame

VCS Staff Quoted ———— From the New York Times Nicholas D. Kristof HERE’S a window into a tragedy within the American military: For every soldier killed on the battlefield this year, about 25 veterans are dying by their own hands. … Continue reading

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Valuable Insight Gained from VA Suicide Prevention Hotline

Suicide hotlines are available throughout the United States and many other countries. They provide a lifeline for individuals who are contemplatingsuicide or having suicidal thoughts. The increase in military veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has elevated concern for … Continue reading

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Hidden Wounds And Hidden Strengths Of Our Military Families

From the Huffington Post By Joseph Bobrow,Found and President,Coming Home Project Stephanie’s husband, Michael, returned from Iraq in body, but he was plagued by unrecognized post traumatic stress. After six months stateside, he committed suicide. Stephanie’s church, their main support … Continue reading

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Policy fraught with danger

From Hearld Net. Since the start of the Iraq war in 2003, the rate of suicide among U.S. Army soldiers has soared, according to a study by the U.S. Army Public Health Command. The study shows an 80 percent increase … Continue reading

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Now you can donate on Paypal.Thank you for your support

At Veterans for Common Sense we are proud to be fighting for America and her veterans. Advocating for smart and pragmatic policy solutions and using the media to raise awareness and further the discussion on key issues. We have had … Continue reading

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