Yearly Archives: 2005

U.S.: License to Abuse Would Put CIA Above the Law

The Bush administration is now the only government in the world to claim a legal justification for mistreating prisoners during interrogations, Human Rights Watch said today. The administration recently approached members of the U.S. Congress to seek a waiver that … Continue reading

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Disasters We Can Prevent

‘It’s very scary,” a Taunton resident told The New York Times last week. A precarious dam was stressed by a flooding river, and the town was vulnerable. ‘You start wondering, especially with all the natural disasters going on, what’s going … Continue reading

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How Scary Is This?

    The White House is sweating out the possibility that one or more top officials will soon be indicted on criminal charges. But the Bush administration is immune to prosecution for its greatest offense – its colossal and profoundly tragic incompetence. … Continue reading

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Why the Military Shouldn’t Take Charge in Emergencies

A majority of Americans in a recent poll expressed support for the use of our military as part of law enforcement during domestic emergencies. President Bush evidently shares this view, for he proposed using the military to enforce the law … Continue reading

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The White House Cabal

The White House Cabal By Lawrence B. Wilkerson, Los Angeles Times, October 25, 2005 LAWRENCE B. WILKERSON served as chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell from 2002 to 2005. IN PRESIDENT BUSH’S first term, some of … Continue reading

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VCS Weekly Update: Privacy, Torture and DIA Spying on Americans

October 24, 2005 Dear VCS Members and Supporters: Veterans for Common Sense last week joined a coalition of privacy-focused organizations in opposition to a $349 million Pentagon database of 12 million Americans of recruitable-age. Much of the data in the … Continue reading

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Goodwill Envoy Hughes Claims Saddam Hussein Gassed ‘hundreds of Thousands’ of Iraqis

Goodwill Envoy Hughes Claims Saddam Hussein Gassed ‘hundreds of Thousands’ of Iraqis By Chris Brummitt, Associated Press, October 21, 2005 JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) – U.S. envoy Karen Hughes on Friday defended Washington’s decision to go to war against Iraq in … Continue reading

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Another Questionable Election: GAO Reports Serious Voting Machine Problems

GAO Report Finds Flaws in Electronic Voting Friday 21 October 2005 Rep. Waxman led twelve members of Congress today in releasing a new GAO report that found security and reliability flaws in the electronic voting process. In a joint press … Continue reading

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Expanding Iraq War into Syria is lunacy

AS I suspected six months ago, and U.S. military and Bush Administration civilian officials confirmed, U.S. forces have invaded Syria and engaged in combat with Syrian forces. An unknown number of Syrians are acknowledged to have been killed; the number … Continue reading

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Afghanistan: Abuse Charges at Bad Time for White House

Allegations that U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan burned the bodies of Taliban fighters couldn’t have come at a worse time for the Bush administration, already fighting legislation in Congress that would impose standards on the Pentagon’s treatment of detainees. Lurid television … Continue reading

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