Yearly Archives: 2007

Action in Congress

June 2007 Disability Ratings Dustup Senators grilled Pentagon officials about major disparities in the way the armed services award disability ratings. They also challenged disparities in the award practices of DOD and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Retired Army Lt. … Continue reading

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Editorial Column – Wild-Eyed Bush Thumped Chest While Repeating ‘I am the President’ in Meeting

Georgie Anne Geyer writes today in the Dallas Morning News about President Bush’s strange behavior during a recent meeting with “[f]riends of his from Texas.” But by all reports, President Bush is more convinced than ever of his righteousness. Friends … Continue reading

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Editorial – What ‘Support Our Troops’ Entails

June 3, 2007 – Whenever and however American troops withdraw from Iraq, a flood of wounded and psychologically damaged veterans will present the nation for decades to come with costly needs that already are overwhelming government services. The backlog of … Continue reading

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Video Supporting Our Troops

We should all support the troops, no matter our position on the war.  Thanks go out to one of our veteran supporters in Virginia for sharing this with Veterans for Common Sense so we could share it with you.  Our view: when our … Continue reading

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Iraq War Veterans Could Face Disciplinary Action Over Protests

May 31, 2007 – When can veterans stop saluting and start speaking out? The question is more than a matter of protocol. As some returning Iraq veterans join anti-war protests, free speech advocates say disciplinary cases against three outspoken former … Continue reading

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Editorial Column – Choosing a Fast buck Over Help for Veterans

May 30, 2007 – Coming soon, perhaps, to a bottleneck near you: More skyscrapers, more condos, more retail. Where? At one of the busiest intersections in Southern California — Wilshire Boulevard and the 405. Yes, it’s the West Los Angeles … Continue reading

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With Veterans Benefits, Knowing is Half the Battle

May 27, 2007 – Donat “Dan” LeBlanc clearly remembers the day nearly 40 years ago when a Marine Corps bureaucrat, running down a list of questions intended to gauge the extent of his disability from a fresh war wound, asked, … Continue reading

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A Soldier in Iraq Asks in Despair – Why Are We Here?

May 29, 2007 – BAGHDAD, May 12 — My name is Donald Hudson Jr. I have been serving our country’s military actively for the last three years. I am currently deployed to Baghdad on Forward Operating Base Loyalty, where I … Continue reading

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What Americans Would Like to Tell Bush About Iraq

May 31, 2007 – NEW YORK A unique survey question posed by the Gallup organization reveals just how far the president and Congress — and most newspaper editorial pages — appear to stand from the wishes of the American public … Continue reading

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Army Puts Amputees Back Into Combat

May 30, 2007 – SAN ANTONIO — In the blur of smoke and blood after a bomb blew up under his Humvee in Iraq, Sgt. Tawan Williamson looked down at his shredded leg and knew it couldn’t be saved. His … Continue reading

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