Yearly Archives: 2009

Army’s Drug Abuse Policy Under Fire

January 22, 2009 – Fort Leonard Wood — Spec. Jeremiah Thomson didn’t know what was worse: excruciating back pain from a combat explosion in Baghdad or the prescription drug addiction he developed once home, for which, he had to be … Continue reading

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Taliban Fills NATO’s Big Gaps in Afghan South

January 21, 2009, Tsapowzai, Afghanistan – The Taliban are everywhere the soldiers are not, the saying goes in the southern part of the country. And that is a lot of places. For starters, there is the 550 miles of border … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: A Commander-in-Chief Elected to End a War

January 20, 2009 – Barack Obama’s presidency will be recorded in the history books as having begun on January 20, 2009, in Washington, D.C. In fact, it began on another, colder January night in Dubuque, Iowa. Obama was not in … Continue reading

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Shinseki Confirmed as New VA Secretary

January 20, 2009 – Retired Army Gen. Eric Shinseki was confirmed Tuesday to be secretary of veterans’ affairs in President Obama’s Cabinet. The Senate confirmed Shinseki by voice vote and without debate just hours after Obama was sworn in as … Continue reading

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Defense, VA Plan to Have Interoperable Health Records by September

January 20, 2009 – A high-level management committee from the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments said they plan to have interoperable health records by September as part of a program between the two departments to streamline information sharing, according to … Continue reading

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Veterans Advocates Pin Hopes on New VA Leadership

January 20, 2009 –  Veterans advocates are looking for sweeping changes in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs if President Barack Obama’s pick for taking control of that agency is confirmed as expected. Retired Army Gen. Eric K. Shinseki is … Continue reading

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Troops, Iraq, Afghanistan on Minds of Local Vets

January 21, 2009 – While three men stood and chatted quietly along the opposite side of the bar, Ray Tremblay Sr. sat in solitude, his eyes fixed on one of two TV’s that would, in a few minutes, broadcast one … Continue reading

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Iraq War Veteran Identified in Colorado Standoff – Veteran Completed Suicide

January 20, 2009, Colorado Springs, CO – A friend, Keith, of Iraq war veteran Larry Curtis Applegate says the veteran was one of the smartest and most caring people he ever met. Applegate committed suicide after a two-hour standoff with … Continue reading

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Jan 20, VCS in the News: U.S. Settles Lawsuit with Family of Iraq War Veteran Who Committed Suicide

January 20, 2009 – The federal government has settled a wrongful death lawsuit with the family of an Iraq war veteran who hung himself in his parents’ basement in June 2005 after being turned away by doctors at a Veterans … Continue reading

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Campaign Seeks to Draw Awareness to PTSD

January 16, 2009, Columbus, OH – Post traumatic stress disorder is a common disorder that is not commonly discussed. Now a new nationwide campaign seeks to put the disorder into the spotlight. Glenn Minney was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress … Continue reading

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