Tag Archives: Civil Liberties Articles & News

Editorial Column: Bush’s Interview With Charlie Gibson Marks the Start of His Effort to Revise History

December 3, 2008 – The inevitable campaign to revise the history of the George W. Bush presidency has apparently begun. In an interview with ABC’s Charlie Gibson broadcast on Monday, the soon-but-not-soon-enough-to-be ex-president made several eye-roll-inducing statements that feel like … Continue reading

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Dec 2: VCS Asks Tough Questions for Defense Secretary Gates

December 2, 2008 -This week’s update focuses on Gulf War illnesses and the prospect of Robert Gates continuing as Defense Secretary under soon-to-be President Barack Obama. Veterans for Common Sense wants to know if there will be substantive changes in … Continue reading

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Nov 23, Special Thanksgiving Message: Jeffrey Lucey and the Urgent Need for Mental Healthcare for All Our Veterans

November 23, 2008 – This is the story of our son, Jeffrey Michael Lucey. This will be a brief account of what happened to him – especially after his return from the Iraq War. There is so much about him … Continue reading

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Guantánamo Judge Throws Out More Evidence Obtained Through Torture In Jawad Case

November 20, 2008, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – Less than a month after throwing out an alleged confession obtained through torture, a judge late Wednesday rejected more evidence gathered through coercive interrogations in the military commission case against Afghan national Mohammed … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: After the Torture Era

November 18, 2008 – “I have said repeatedly that I intend to close Guantanamo, and I will follow through on that. I have said repeatedly that America doesn’t torture, and I’m going to make sure that we don’t torture. Those … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Never Forget How Bush Led US to Attack Iraq in 2003

November 17, 2008 –  When they say to you that “mistakes were made,” never believe that. Mistakes are always made, but mistakes did not lead us on the road to Baghdad. We were taken to Iraq by those who knew … Continue reading

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After the Imperial Presidency

November 7, 2008 – Ask a long-serving member of the United States Senate – like, say, Patrick Leahy of Vermont – to reflect on the Senate’s role in our constitutional government, and he will almost invariably tell you a story … Continue reading

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Obama’s Plan for Probing Bush Torture

November 13, 2008 – With growing talk in Washington that President Bush may be considering an unprecedented “blanket pardon” for people involved in his administration’s brutal interrogation policies, advisors to Barack Obama are pressing ahead with plans for a nonpartisan … Continue reading

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Nov 10, Civil Liberties News: VCS Urges Our Members to Sign Petition to Close Guantanamo Bay Prison Camp

The ACLU and Brave New Foundation are collaborating on a series of videos containing direct testimony from those with firsthand knowledge of the system of injustice that thrives at Gitmo. November 10, 2008  Dear President-Elect Obama, Nothing would make me … Continue reading

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Our VCS Veterans Day Message

This week’s VCS update focuses on five pieces of news you will want to share with your friends on Veterans Day. First, PTSD News. In a bold and courageous step, a high-ranking officer took a sledge hammer to the wall … Continue reading

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