Tag Archives: mental health

In Afghan massacre, mental health check could come first

By Oren Dorell and Jim Michaels USA Today Published: March 19, 2012 The soldier accused of killing 16 civilians in Afghanistan faces military justice similar to a civilian criminal trial, a process likely to begin with a months-long mental health … Continue reading

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Troops’ Mental Health: How Much Is Unknown?

  EnlargeSusan Walsh/AP Gen. Peter Chiarelli, former vice chief of staff for the U.S. Army, says the Army lacks reliable diagnostic tools to screen for mental health. text size A A A March 18, 2012 The killing of 16 Afghan civilians last Sunday … Continue reading

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Afghan Massacre: Rush To Judgment

For the past few days, Washington’s, America’s, probably much of the world’s airways have been filled with commentary about the horrific killings in Afghanistan allegedly committed by an American soldier. Radio, TV and the blogosphere have been inundated with reports, … Continue reading

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Army Suicide Rates Soar Since Start Of Afghanistan And Iraq Wars

March 8, 2012 (Business and Health) – The Army suicide rate has soared since the beginning of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to a new study. The number of army suicides increased by 80 percent between 2004 and 2008, … Continue reading

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Sick soldiers: Symptoms exist but the diagnosis unclear

by Kelly Gustafsonand Kristen KellarMarch 08, 2012   Benjamin Kesling/MEDILL Burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan burn 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Dust storms may also be to blame for health ailments. Courtesy of Octal/Flickr Produced by … Continue reading

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For Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress, Pain Killers Carry Risks

From the NYTIMES.com ATWAR blog By JAMES DAO Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder are more likely to be prescribed opioid pain killers than other veterans with pain problems and more likely to use the opioids in risky ways, according to … Continue reading

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Latest Email Update

Below is the text of the latest email update shared by VCS with our members. As we enter our second decade, we think it is important to reflect and remind people who we are and what we have done. Especially … Continue reading

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Women Veterans Deserve Recognition, Services

March 4, 2012 (The Baltimore Sun) – March is designated as Women’s History Month, an opportunity to remember the role women have played in U.S. history since our nation’s inception. To serve in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, … Continue reading

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Veterans, VA split over mental health expansion

  By Kevin Freking – The Associated Press Posted : Saturday Mar 3, 2012 15:03:31 EST WASHINGTON — Two years after Congress passed a high-profile law to improve health care for military veterans, lawmakers and advocates are again raising alarms … Continue reading

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VA Aims to Get Better Data on Veterans Suicide Rates

February 28, 2012 (Marine Corps Times) – Better data on suicide rates among veterans could be available by summer under an agreement forged between Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and 49 states. The figure often noted in press reports and … Continue reading

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