Tag Archives: terrorism

Torture Ban May Include a Backdoor

U.S. President George W. Bush suffered a stinging defeat Thursday when overwhelming congressional support forced him to abandon his opposition to anti-torture legislation and reach an agreement with its sponsor, Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican. The president’s reversal came … Continue reading

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Securing America Without Destroying Liberties

Remarks by US Senator Robert C. Byrd as delivered on the Senate floor.  I believe in America. I believe in the dream of the Founders and Framers of our inspiring Constitution. I believe in the spirit that drove President Lincoln … Continue reading

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Bush Defends U.S. Wiretaps, Urges Patriot Act Renewal

Bush Defends U.S. Wiretaps, Urges Patriot Act Renewal December 17, 2005 (Bloomberg, Update 2) — U.S. President George W. Bush defended his authorization of spying on American citizens and foreign nationals after the Sept. 11 attacks and urged Congress to renew the … Continue reading

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Senate Is Set to Require White House to Account for Secret Prisons

The Senate is poised to approve a measure that would require the Bush administration to provide Congress with its most specific and extensive accounting about the secret prison system established by the Central Intelligence Agency to house terrorism suspects.     The … Continue reading

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Bush Accepts Torture Ban, Agrees to McCain Amendment

The White House and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) reached agreement today on a measure that would ban torture and limit interrogation tactics in U.S. detention facilities, a provision that the Bush administration had strongly resisted but that received broad support … Continue reading

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Britain’s Top Court Rules Information Gotten by Torture Is Never Admissible Evidence

Britain’s Top Court Rules Information Gotten by Torture Is Never Admissible Evidence LONDON, United Kingdom, December 8, 2005 – Britain’s highest court thrust itself into the middle of a roiling international debate on Thursday, declaring that evidence obtained through torture – no … Continue reading

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British Court Rules against Evidence Gained in Torture

Thrusting itself into the middle of a stormy international debate, Britain’s highest court declared today that evidence obtained through torture – no matter who had done the torturing – was not admissible in British courts. It also said that Britain … Continue reading

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Bush’s Sacred Terror

Bush’s Sacred Terror The much-belated, poll-prompted outcry of a few U.S. elected officials against the widespread use of torture by the Bush administration — following years of silent acquiescence in the face of incontrovertible evidence of deliberate atrocity — is … Continue reading

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Rice Signals Shift in Interrogation Policy

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gave the Bush administration’s most comprehensive accounting yet of U.S. rules on treatment of prisoners in the war on terrorism Wednesday, but her assurances left loopholes for practices that could be akin to torture. Rice … Continue reading

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US credibility gap in Europe

Not again. Just when the deep freeze in US relations with some European countries is thawing, a cold front blows in. Once more, it originates in the war on terrorism, but this time it’s not about invading Iraq, but about … Continue reading

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