Tag Archives: torture

University of California at Berkeley Offers Class to Help War Veterans Feel at Home

September 21, 2008 – UC Berkeley is 7,450 miles from Baghdad – a long way by any measure. For veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that distance pales compared with the chasm between military and student life. A … Continue reading

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Sep 22, Editorial Column: Casualties and Costs Rise as Iraq and Afghanistan Remain Mired in Brutal Wars

On September 17, 2008, an editorial in the Austin American-Statesman newspaper declared, “Amid Election Noise, a Quiet Victory.”  The editorial concluded that, “After more than five years of bloodshed and the expenditure of billions of dollars, the U.S. involvement in … Continue reading

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Senator McCain and the Vietnam War Prisoner of War Cover Up

The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam September 18, 2008 – John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide … Continue reading

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House of Representatives Votes to Allow Gulf War POWs Sue Iraq Over Torture

September 17, 2008, Washington, DC – Former POWs and civilians who were tortured or held hostage during the 1991 Persian Gulf War could pursue lawsuits against Iraq under legislation the House has approved. The White House, saying the bill would … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: A Brief History of McCain and Torture

September 12, 2008 – 1788 United states ratifies Constitution, ordaining that all treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land 1791 United States ratifies the Bill of Rights, banning cruel and … Continue reading

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McCain is Last Chance for Vietnam Veterans

September 7, 2008 – Four years after Democrat John Kerry surrounded himself with his “band of brothers” at his convention, Republicans made sure that their just-concluded convention in St. Paul was a celebration of John McCain’s service in Vietnam, particularly … Continue reading

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GOP Veterans Look Forward to Backing One of Their Own

Sept. 5, 2008, St. Paul, MN – In a convention hall jammed with people cheering for Sen. John McCain on Thursday night, one group of delegates felt an especially close kinship with the newly minted Republican presidential nominee. Among them … Continue reading

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U.S. Military Reviewing Friendly-Fire Incident Where Six Iraqi Army Soldiers Killed

September 3, 2008, Baghdad – U.S. troops mistakenly killed six members of Iraq’s security forces Monday, Iraqi officials said, further straining relations between the U.S. military and the Iraqis they are paying to secure the country. The pre-dawn confusion in … Continue reading

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Compilation of Presidential Candidate Positions on Foreign Policy Issues

August 27, 2008 – Back in April, we put together a list of resources that compiled and compared candidate positions on a number of foreign policy issues. It’s August now, things have changed, positions have evolved, and more organizations are … Continue reading

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President Bush Extols Senator McCain to Republican Delegates in St. Paul

September 2, 2008 – President Bush promised Tuesday that the nation would be safer with John McCain as president, saying his impressive life story and sound judgment make the Arizona senator the man Americans need to follow him in the … Continue reading

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