Yearly Archives: 2007

Are Iraq War Costs Spinning Out of Control?

The tab is $423 billion and rising, prompting economists to reassess US military and homeland security costs. The invasion of Iraq was launched four years ago with a “shock and awe” display of American military might. As bombs fell, Baghdad’s … Continue reading

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VCS Weekly Update: 60,000 U.S. Casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

May 8, 2007 Dear VCS Supporters:  This week’s update talks about the human cost of war for America. Television reports and Congressional hearings often report the number of casualties from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as 20,000. That is wrong. … Continue reading

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Editorial – The Fear Industry

May 6, 2007 – George Tenet made patently ridiculous claims about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, while serving as CIA director, and was eventually fired. Former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made patently ridiculous claims about WMD in … Continue reading

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Iraq War Veteran Gets Help Renovating Home

May 7, 2007 – Reyno, AR — Vietnam Veteran Robert Reed, with help from friends, community members, and fellow soldiers spent the weekend lending a helping hand. “We got word that there was an Iraqi vet that needed some help … Continue reading

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Propaganda Fear Cited in Account of Iraqi Killings

Recently unclassified documents suggest that senior officers viewed the killings of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha in late 2005 as a potential public relations problem that could fuel insurgent propaganda against the American military, leading investigators to question whether the … Continue reading

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Suicide Attacks and Gunfight in Afghanistan Kill 10 Police Officers

KABUL, Afghanistan, May 5 — A wave of suicide attacks in four provinces of Afghanistan on Saturday killed two police officers and wounded a NATO soldier and two other Afghan policemen, and eight other Afghan police officers were killed in … Continue reading

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Fort Carson Mental Health Care Goes Under Microscope

(AP) DENVER The investigative arm of Congress said Friday it will send a team to Fort Carson to examine mental-health care for Iraq war veterans after complaints that some soldiers with brain damage or stress-related injuries have been misdiagnosed with … Continue reading

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Troops At Odds With Ethics Standards

More than one-third of U.S. soldiers in Iraq surveyed by the Army said they believe torture should be allowed if it helps gather important information about insurgents, the Pentagon disclosed yesterday. Four in 10 said they approve of such illegal … Continue reading

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Better Medical Screening Sought For Maine National Guard Sent To Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

AUGUSTA, Maine –Barbara Damon-Day, mother of a Maine Army National Guard captain who died of unexplained causes last June while serving in Bagram, Afghanistan, is now on a mission of her own. Carrying a thick, maroon notebook filled with information … Continue reading

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Team to Investigate Fort Carson Mental Health Care

The investigative arm of Congress said Friday it will send a team to Fort Carson to examine mental-health care for Iraq war veterans after complaints that some soldiers with brain damage or stress-related injuries have been misdiagnosed with personality disorders … Continue reading

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