Yearly Archives: 2007

In an Instant, a Junkyard of Humanity

BAGHDAD, April 12   The bomber blew himself up no more than a few yards away. First, a brilliant flash of orange light like a starburst, then a giant popping sound. A gust of debris, flesh and blood threw me from … Continue reading

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Senator Byrd: America’s Veterans Must Not Be Shortchanged; Pushes for Fully Funding VA to Meet Growing Needs of West Virginia’s Veterans

Washington, DC (HNN) — U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, called for fully providing for the growing medical needs of the nation’s veterans. Byrd asked Veterans’ Affairs (VA) Secretary Jim Nicholson to look into … Continue reading

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Wolfowitz: Architect of Iraq War Fiasco Embroiled in World Bank Scandal

Paul Wolfowitz was under pressure to resign as president of the World Bank on Thursday after admitting he was personally involved in securing a large pay rise and promotion for a Bank official with whom he was romantically involved. The … Continue reading

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Top VA Officials Knew of Watler Reed Scandal in 2004

WASHINGTON — The Army might be shortchanging injured soldiers by rating the severity of their disabilities with a system that is both unwieldy and inconsistent, the head of a special commission said Thursday. Pentagon officials denied those who rate the … Continue reading

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Adding Insult to Injuries: Ill-equipped VA Only Adds to the Pain

Sgt. Garrett Anderson never expected this feeling of betrayal. He loves his country. He supports this war. He believes in his president. He would fight again in Iraq, if he were able. But coming home has been hell for this … Continue reading

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Duckworth Knows Hines’ Ills – Injured Vet Says She Was ‘Scared Off’

When Tammy Duckworth toured Hines VA Hospital in Maywood in late 2005, she had no desire to return. At the prosthetics laboratory, staff asked to touch the state-of-the-art artificial legs Duckworth had received at Walter Reed Army Medical Center after … Continue reading

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How Iraq War Veteran Jon Town Lost His VA Benefits

April 9, 2007 – Jon Town has spent the last few years fighting two battles, one against his body, the other against the US Army. Both began in October 2004 in Ramadi, Iraq. He was standing in the doorway of … Continue reading

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Insult to Injury: Veterans’ Disabilities Are Being Downgraded

Insult to InjuryNew data reveal an alarming trend: Vets’ disabilities are being downgraded In the middle of a battle in Fallujah in April 2004, an M80 grenade landed a foot away from Fred Ball. The blast threw the 26-year-old Marine … Continue reading

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Delayed Benefits Frustrate Veterans

Hundreds of Thousands of Disability Claims Pending at VA; Current Wars Likely to Strain System Further In his last years, World War II veteran Seymour D. Lewis would stand at the door of his home in Savannah, Ga., waiting for … Continue reading

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A Shock Wave of Brain Injuries

“We can save you. But you might not be what you were.” Neurosurgeon, Combat Support Hospital, Balad, Iraq This is the new physics of war. Three 155mm shells, linked together and combined with 100 pounds of Semtex plastic explosive, covered … Continue reading

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