Yearly Archives: 2009

Iraq War Veteran Identified in Colorado Standoff – Veteran Completed Suicide

January 20, 2009, Colorado Springs, CO – A friend, Keith, of Iraq war veteran Larry Curtis Applegate says the veteran was one of the smartest and most caring people he ever met. Applegate committed suicide after a two-hour standoff with … Continue reading

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Military Youth Ministry Stalks Students on Public School Buses for jesus

January 16, 2009 – The government-funded targeting of the children of our servicemen and servicewomen by Christian religious organizations is an issue that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) has been gathering information on for some time now. The countless … Continue reading

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Senator Tester Announces Agenda for Veterans

January 18, 2009 – Improving the health care of American Indian veterans and making it easier to track electronic records are among the improvements Sen. Jon Tester hopes to make this year in the Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee. Tester, a … Continue reading

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Flap Over Purple Heart is ‘Tip of Iceburg’ Veterans Say

January 16, 2009 – The Kern County Veterans Service Department began regular monthly visits here this week to assist mountain veterans to obtain and update their benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), but a new flap in … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Ten Take Aways from the Bush Years

January 18, 2009 – There’s actually a lot that President-elect Barack Obama can learn from the troubled presidency of George W. Bush. Over the past eight years, I have interviewed President Bush for nearly 11 hours, spent hundreds of hours … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Veterans Healthcare System Needs Triage

January 15, 2009, San Francisco, California (IPS) – Eighteen U.S. veterans kill themselves every day. More veterans are committing suicide than are dying in combat overseas. One in every three homeless men in the United States has put on a uniform … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: What is NSA’s General Hayden Hiding?

January 15, 2009 – Outgoing CIA Director Michael Hayden is going around town telling folks he has warned President-elect Barack Obama “personally and forcefully” that if Obama authorizes an investigation into controversial activities like waterboarding, “no one in Langley will … Continue reading

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White House Finds 14 Million ‘Missing’ E-mails, DoJ Lawyer Says

January 15, 2009 – Six days before the Bush administration’s term ends, a Justice Department attorney told a federal judge Wednesday that the White House found 14 million “missing” e-mails that for nearly two years were the subject of several … Continue reading

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Letter to the Editor: End Stigma Against PTSD Among our Soldiers and Veterans

January 14, 2009 – Re “Purple Heart Is Ruled Out for Traumatic Stress” (front page, Jan. 8): The Pentagon’s decision to not consider soldiers with disabling battle-inflicted stress disorders for the Purple Heart needs rethinking. Surely every soldier in good … Continue reading

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Where to Look for Used Cars for Sale

Wіth a huge rаngе оf dіffеrеnt mеdіа аvаіlаblе today, оnlіnе аnd offline, іt саn be difficult tо knоw еxасtlу where to bеgіn a search fоr a nеw vеhісlе. Dеѕріtе thе соnfuѕіоn thаt thіѕ can cause, thеrе are ѕеvеrаl tірѕ tо … Continue reading

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