Category Archives: Gulf War Updates

Important:VA Extends Qualifying Time of Persian Gulf War Veterans Undiagnosed Illnesses by Five Years

Kansas City Infozine Tuesday, January 03, 2012 :: Staff infoZine Information about undiagnosed illnesses is available online link Washington, D.C. – infoZine – “Not all the wounds of war are fully understood,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “When … Continue reading

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Call Congress and VA Now: VA Set to Stop Some Gulf War Benefits Dec. 31

September 19, 2011 ( – For Gulf War Veterans with certain ailments like: Chronic fatigue syndrome; Firbromyalgia; Functional gastrointestinal disorders; and other undiagnosed illnesses the current deadline for when the condition must have “appeared” is on or before December 31, … Continue reading

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VCS Statement to US Senate About Costs of Wars

VCS Reveals Estimated One Million Veteran Patients Treated by VA by End of 2013, with Cost of $1 Trillion Over 40 Years July 27, 2011 (VCS) – In a written statement to Senators on the Committee for Veterans Affairs, VCS … Continue reading

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VCS Provides Written Comments on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Task Force Draft Written Report

VCS Provides Written Comments on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Task Force Draft Written Report Ill Gulf War Veterans Urge VA to Improve VA’s Policies May 3, 2010, Washington, DC – VCS supports VA Secretary Shinseki’s genuine efforts to listen to … Continue reading

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VCS Testifies at House Veterans’ Affairs Hearing on VA FY11/FY12 Budget Request

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Budget Request for FY 2011 and FY 2012 House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs | Room 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC | 02/04/2010   Witness Testimony of Paul Sullivan, Veterans for Common Sense, Executive Director … Continue reading

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May 6, VCS in the News: Vet Advocate, Politicians Disagree Over Protection for Soldiers

May 5, 2009 – Top U.S. Army officials say the Department of Defense took a revolutionary approach to helping wounded soldiers when the first 35 Warrior Transition Units opened nearly two years ago. Today, the Army boasts of 36 such … Continue reading

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May 4, Gulf War Illness News: Congress to Hold Hearing on Gulf War Ilnesses on May 19

House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Subject: Gulf War Illness Research: Is Enough Being Done?Date: May 19, 2009, 10:00AMLocatin: 340 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC  

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Apr 17, VCS in the News: VA Public Affairs Official Tried to Silence Veteran’s Claims of Racism

April 17, 2009 – The experience of 56 year-old Army veteran Tommie Canady at the Washington, D.C., Veterans Medical Center was not the only story members of the VA’s Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans heard April 7 when they gathered … Continue reading

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Apr 17: VCS Urges Members to Write Spain’s Ambassador and Request War Crime Probe of Bush Torture

The Spanish government may be moving forward with an investigation of war crimes – specifically torture – by the Bush administration.  Earlier this week, VCS wrote Spain’s ambassador to the United States and asked that the investigation continue. Spanish Judge … Continue reading

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Burning Toxic Waste is Making U.S. Soldiers and Iraqis Sick, But the Pentagon Refuses to Admit It

Six years into the war, many U.S. bases in Iraq are still without incinerators, leaving open pits spewing toxic plumes over soldiers and civilians. March 18, 2009 – Acetaldehyde, Acrolien, Arsenic, Benzene, Carbon Monoxide, Ethylbenzene,  Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Cyanide, Hydrogen Fluoride, … Continue reading

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